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  • What is the popping sound I hear when getting a chiropractic adjustment?

What is the popping sound I hear when getting a chiropractic adjustment?

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What is the popping sound I hear when getting a chiropractic adjustment?

The popping sound that often occurs during a chiropractic adjustment is known as cavitation. It is caused by the release of gases, primarily carbon dioxide and nitrogen, from the synovial fluid surrounding the joints.

Joints are surrounded by a capsule filled with synovial fluid, which contains gases like carbon dioxide and nitrogen. When a joint is manipulated during a chiropractic adjustment, the pressure within the joint changes. As the joint surfaces separate, the pressure decreases, causing the gases to be released from the synovial fluid in the form of bubbles. The rapid formation of these bubbles is what creates the popping or cracking sound.

It's important to note that not all chiropractic adjustments result in an audible pop, and the sound alone does not necessarily indicate the success or effectiveness of the adjustment. The relief of pressure and the restoration of proper joint function are the primary goals of chiropractic adjustments. If you have any concerns or questions about a specific adjustment, it's recommended to discuss them with your chiropractor.


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