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  • Here's a Challenge for You: Try touching your toes while keeping your knees straight. Tight Hamstrings?

Here's a Challenge for You: Try touching your toes while keeping your knees straight. Tight Hamstrings?

Read the Weekly Newsletter from Everlastingness

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Challenge Accepted!

Try touching your toes while keeping your knees locked. If you are struggling with this exercise, you could have tight hamstrings.

So what?

Our hamstrings are the second largest muscle group in our body, and they attach to a part of our pelvis called the ischial tuberosities. When our hamstring muscles are tight, they pull the pelvic girdle down and flatten the normal lordotic curve in our low back. This curve is part of your lumbar (the lower region of the back), and it is usually at a 60-degree angle. When it’s flattened down, this can cause low back pain.

Why the tightness?

Sitting all day can cause tightness in the hip flexors which can cause tightness in the hamstrings. Your hamstrings can also become tight after an injury or intense workout.

Ok. So… What should I do? 

  • Try to limit sitting down to less than an hour at a time — get up and move!

  • Stretch your hamstrings (see image below)

  • Talk to your doctor


The information contained in this newsletter is presented for educational purposes. Nothing contained in this newsletter should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before making any changes to your healthcare routine. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this newsletter.