Feeling Tired? Get some Sun and Skip the Shower.

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Don’t you dare wash that off!

Don’t Shower! Seriously? Yes, after sun exposure, your body is still creating vitamin D on the surface of your skin, so avoid showering for several hours after being out in the sun.

What’s the big deal about Vitamin D anyway?

When your skin is exposed to the sun, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol in the skin cells. Your body is only able to absorb calcium and phosphorus when vitamin D is present, which are both critical for building your bones.

Not So Fun Fact - Low Vitamin D levels have been linked to

  • Osteoporosis

  • Cancer

  • Depression

  • Death

Ok. So… Where can I find it?

Since there are not a lot of foods that naturally contain Vitamin D (sardines, swordfish beef liver to name a few), the sun is the best way to get vitamin D.

How Long in the Sun?

Well, there are a few factors to consider. The farther away from the equator you live, the less UVB light, reaches the earth’s surface during the winter months. Also, the more clothes you have covering your body, the less UVB rays reach your skin, and the more sunscreen you have on, the less UVB rays reach your skin. You will have to balance the your body’s need for the sun with the risk of skin cancer though.

Signs you are low on vitamin D

  • Fatigue

  • Feeling sad

  • Muscle weakness

  • Hair Loss

  • Not Sleeping Well


Talk to your doctor about your Vitamin D intake today.